Your pet is family, and Integrative Pet Wellness Center exists to help them live a longer, happier life by your side. Get to know us a little more through our blogs, where we talk about various aspects of pet care, practical information, and our stories and updates!

The itchiest dog I’ve ever seen
Oh my gosh. I was so late for the meeting. I am never late. I don’t like being late, but today, due to an extra chaotic morning getting the kids to school, I was super late. (Think missing school shoes, suddenly remembering show and tell…if you’re a mom to a human...

Instead of removing cancer…
This might be an unpopular opinion, but when our pets get cancer, I don't think we should always try to get rid of the cancer. Hear me out… Instead of healing cancer, I prefer to focus on helping pets live and thrive with cancer still in their bodies. Which is...

Healing Blood Cancer ✨
Yesterday, I watched a documentary that had me sitting on the edge of my seat… It was called Free Solo. It was about this extraordinary young man Alex Hannold who took on the challenge of climbing El Capitan, a sheer cliff of granite in Yosemite National Park 🧗♂️...

Is Using Long-Lasting Pain Injections (Librela and Solensia) Safe For Your Pet? pt4
This episode is a short conversation between fellow integrative vet Dr Magda and I about long lasting pain injections Librela and Solensia. We chat about some of the risks involved when using these drugs--as there are with all drugs. Follow Dr. Magda:...

It Just Wasn’t Good Enough
Flashback - I lay in the back of my minivan during my lunchbreak, taking deep breaths. It wasn’t always going to be this way. “One day, I’d start my own practice”, I told myself. “I’d do things differently”. The timer on my phone went off, I opened my eyes. I...

Using Hormone Therapy to Boost Your Spayed or Neutered Dogs Health pt3
Should your dog be on hormone therapy? When we spay and neuter our pets, we take away their sex hormones, which have important functions in the body, just like they do for us humans. In this episode, fellow functional vet Dr Madga and I dive into the risks and...

🌟15 Preventative Tests Your Pet Needs
Many of you know I had a housecall practice prior to starting Integrative Pet Wellness Center. For nearly 10 years, I cared for a wonderful client Debra and her furry babies. I used to go to her house every Saturday morning. I remember this treasured ritual of driving...

🐾 Can you heal Cushing’s naturally?
I scooped up the tiny ball of cream-colored fluff and looked into her eyes. 'Your name is Tifa ' I told her out loud. She was my first Pomeranian. I had seen a picture of her since she was born and waited impatiently for 8 weeks to take her home. I felt my heart...

Using Flower Essences to Support Your Pet’s Emotional State with Dr. Magda – Part 2
If you've ever been curious about flower essences, this episode is for you! Dr Magda and I dive deep into these beautiful, gentle remedies. They were first discovered by homeopath Dr Bach, who collected the morning dew of various flowers and gave them to his patients...

Episode 7, The Right Time: Spay and Neuter Insights with Dr. Lynette Hart
In today’s episode, I have the honor of speaking with Dr. Lynette Hart, Professor Emerita at the Department of Population Health and Reproduction at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. With a career dedicated to exploring human-animal interactions and basic...