Our Services

Dr. Lily Chen brings a new kind of veterinary care to pets and their families. By offering integrative treatment, she is able to create a more individualized treatment plan. When your pet looks into your eyes, they see a hero. She’ll help you care for them like one.

Holistic & Integrative Consultation

New patients: Please see the information about scheduling appointments here. New patient consultation is $495, which includes a review of medical records, a telehealth consultation for history, questions, and tentative plan, and the first 1-hour in-person exam and treatments (includes the first acupuncture and laser treatment if appropriate).

for puppies/kittens under 1 year with no medical issues new patient fee is $275. Includes: a review of medical records and 1 hour in-person exam.

Regular Consultation – $102.53

We combine both conventional and holistic care for the most optimal and individualized treatment plan for your pet.

A comprehensive consultation includes Western and Eastern exams. We focus on assessing the body as a whole. We evaluate each individual pet for his/her age, breed, personality, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, and current and past medical conditions. We discuss your goals and needs to find the most optimal healthcare plan for your pet. An integrative consultation balances out Western and holistic care options to find the pet’s best treatment plan. The goal is to treat the underlying imbalance or disease pattern so the body can begin to heal itself more naturally.

Annual Wellness – $157.50 (includes thermal imaging)


$103 / session

At Integrative Pet Wellness Center, we practice acupuncture through traditional needling, electro-acupuncture, laser acupuncture, or aqua-puncture.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in which thin needles are inserted into specific points of the body. Acupuncture works by activating nerve fibers locally and sends signals to the spinal cord and the brain through neurotransmitters. They also affect local nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymphatics. Points are carefully selected to treat individual pets based on their presenting patterns. Acupuncture aims to treat the whole body and promote healing naturally.

Most commonly used to treat painful conditions, acupuncture can also treat many different diseases and especially useful for chronic conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Soft Tissue (muscle or ligament) injury
  • Neurologic injury or disease
  • Before and after surgeries for pain control
  • Skin disease
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Immune-mediated disease

Visit our blog to read more

Electro-Acupuncture and Aquapuncture
Electro / $141
Aqua / $139
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to:

  • Relieve pain
  • Restore health
  • Help improve and restore organ function
  • Strengthen and support the immune system
  • Correct underlying imbalances and root cause of diseases
  • Prevent future issues and problems

It can be a powerful treatment on its own or as an adjunct to other treatments or medications. Dr. Lily will review your pet’s condition with you and prescribe Chinese herbs when appropriate.

Laser Therapy

$66.15 / session

Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive way to treat many conditions, including pain, infection, and inflammation. The therapy can be tailored to treat acute stages of the disease or used as a healing protocol for chronic issues such as nerve and muscle diseases. Using a specific combination of frequency and time, we determine the best treatment protocol for your pet depending on the condition presented. Many pets are relaxed by laser therapy, and it provides your pet with a fast, safe, and drug-free recovery from specific conditions.

Visit our blog to read more

Ozone Therapy
Ozone was officially discovered in 1785 and it has been used for over 100 years around the world for human and animal healing.
An Ozone generating machine is needed to take medical oxygen (O2) and transform it into Ozone (O3).

How does ozone therapy work?
Medicinal ozone activates intracellular messengers to activate antioxidant mechanisms to restore homeostasis in the body. It improves cellular health and strengthens the immune system and exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Some Indications to use Ozone:

  • Neurodegenerative disease
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Skin issues
  • Ulcers
  • Otitis acute and chronic
  • Cancer

Ozone Therapy can be used topically, rectally, or systemically depending on the specific conditions being treated. These therapies are safe and easy to use. They are more widely used in Europe and they are gaining more recognition and traction here as research and evidence grow to support the therapeutic use of ozone.

UVBI Therapy (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation)
What is Ozone Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation therapy (O3 UVBI)?

O3 UVBI is a combination of Ozone and UVBI, obtaining the benefits of both therapies.

UVBI therapy (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) uses ultraviolet light to treat diseases. This began in the 1870s and continued into the 1950s when most doctors began using vaccines and antibiotics to treat their patients.

But the use and abuse of antibiotics have produced super strains of microorganisms that have become “superbugs” and therefore labeled “incurable.”

This has led many professionals to look for alternative methods to treat these cases, and UVBI emerged and gained popularity as a therapy for infections and immune disorders and as a preventive therapy to detoxify the body.

O3 therapy (Medical Ozone) is a gas formed by three oxygen atoms by an Ozone generator machine. It is one of the most powerful germicides acting against fungi, bacteria, and viruses, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, modulates and stimulates the immune system, and also improves peripheral circulation and oxygenation.

O3 UVBI therapy is at the top of our list of cutting-edge treatments offering relief to chronically ill patients and improving their quality of life.

What are O3 UVBI therapy’s clinical effects?

  • Powerful anti-infection properties
  • Immune system modulation
  • Increase circulation
  • Provide oxygenation of tissues
  • Improve tolerance towards radiation and chemotherapy
  • Increase cardiovascular protection
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Reduce pain


-Allergy – Viral infections – Autoimmune Conditions – Chronic Diseases – Inflammatory conditions – Bacterial infections – Circulatory Conditions – neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic syndrome – Cancer
… and many other diseases that do not respond well to conventional treatments


Relative contraindications for systemic O3 UVBI therapy would be uncontrolled hyperthyroidism – thrombocytopenia – severe cardiovascular instability – pregnancy – convulsive states – coagulation disorders – anemia – thrombi/clots – allergy to ozone.

What is the O3 UVBI treatment process?

We draw blood from the patient and mix it with saline.

Then we add medical ozone and circulate the entire mixture with an infusion pump by ultraviolet light.

Finally, we reinfuse the treated blood back into the patient via an IV catheter.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

Each animal is different (depending on age, physiological status, the severity of the injury, chronicity, and if it has other ongoing diseases, etc.). It can be between 1-10 treatments.

We recommend starting with four weekly or biweekly treatments and then spacing them according to the response of each patient.

Microbiome Restorative Therapy
This is a procedure that involves transplanting healthy and balanced gut microorganisms into an animal. Research shows that approximately 80-85% of the immune system is located in the gut and a healthy microbiome is the foundation to the wellbeing of an animal. Some of the common issues that can be addressed with MBRT are: chronic diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, allergies, anxiety, skin issues, infections, and other. More specifically MBRT has proven to be helpful with Clostridium infection and Parvo virus infection.

While it can be successfully used to treat active diseases and issues, we also recommend taking a preventive approach by testing for the microbiome, identifying any imbalances early, and treating with MBRT before problems occur.

PRP Injections

PRP – Platelet-Rich Plasma

What is it?

Platelets are a part of the blood that allows the body to clot, heal, and repair injuries.

Platelet-rich plasma is a portion of the processed whole blood, usually by a centrifuge (equipment that separates blood components into different parts according to their density), to contain a higher concentration of platelets. In addition to cells, PRP contains other growth factors. The plasma will be injected at the site of injury, to promote tissue regeneration and healing.

We use the patients’ own blood for the treatments. It is a same-day procedure that offers a safe and natural way to promote healing.


How does it work?

When we have an acute injury, platelets are the first to arrive at the injury to stop bleeding and regenerate damaged tissue.

The cytokines and growth factors that are in platelets can help repair injuries and encourage healing.
PRP products are usually given as injections (shots) to heal and repair injuries.

Studies have indicated that PRP is or may be useful to treat:

  • Injuries such as pulled muscles, joint sprains, or ligament tears.
  • Tendinitis, epicondylitis
  • Bone fractures
  • Osteoarthritis (PRP is being combined with other options like Ozone to lessen pain, improve function and possibly help repair cartilage)
  • Wounds. (skin wounds, ulcers, after surgery, dental procedures)

What are the risks of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

As with any type of injection, there are small risks of bleeding, pain, and infection.

When the platelets are from the patient who will be using them, the product is not expected to create allergies or have risks of cross-infection.

One of the main limitations with PRP products is that every preparation for every patient can be different. No two preparations are the same.

This variation limits our understanding of when and how these therapies may succeed or fail.


Ozone activates platelets, stimulating the release of a higher number of growth factors and cytokines.

Ozone also demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects, it can help to significantly decrease the interleukins and pro-inflammatory mediators, providing strong antibacterial properties while stimulating the local tissue repair and regeneration.

PRP falls into the four groups of treatments:

  • Preventive (anticipated act to prevent a risk)
  • Restitutive (heal, tissue renew)
  • Curative (combat a disease)
  • Palliative (to reduce pain or negative effects)

What is Prolotherapy?

It is a natural, non-surgical method that helps the body to heal soft tissue, tendon, and ligament injuries. It is a ‘new treatment’ that has been used in medicine for almost 100 years and It is considered the first type of regenerative injection therapy to heal injuries and eliminate pain.

How Does it work?

Joints, ligaments, and tendons have a very poor blood supply, making it difficult for them to heal properly. But they have a lot of nerves!

When ligaments and tendons weaken, they stretch further and irritate nerves, making the injury susceptible to chronic pain.

Prolotherapy or Proliferative therapy stimulates the body’s healing processes to strengthen and repair injured and painful joints and connective tissue.
The injection can repair the weakened sites and produce new collagen tissue, resulting in permanent stabilization of the joint.


  • Regrowth of tendons and ligaments.
  • Stabilization of the joint
  • Anti Inflammatory effect

Prolotherapy + Ozone (O3) = Prolozone

Combines the principles of neural therapy, prolotherapy, and ozone therapy.

It involves injecting a combination of procaine, anti-inflammatory medications, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, proliferative, and ozone/ oxygen gas into degenerated or injured joints and areas of pain.

-What are the risks of Prolotherapy/ Prolozone?

As with any type of injection, there are small risks of bleeding, pain, and infection.

We recommend that our patients be lightly sedated in order to perform the most efficient and rapid procedure.

Because the injections are a little deeper than regular injections they must be intra-articular or intralesional to be more effective. Shaving of joint injection sites is also required for sterility.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

Each animal is different, (depending on age, physiological status, the severity of the injury, chronicity, etc). It can be between 1 to 10 treatments.
We recommended 4 to 6 treatments, and with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) it can be reduced to 2 to 3 treatments.

IV Vitamin C therapy

What is it?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble compound that provides antioxidant effects, supports the health of connective tissue, and stimulates the production of many important immune factors such as interferon and natural killer (NK) cells. In high concentration, it has also been shown to be cytotoxic to cancer cells.

Intravenous Vitamin C is to administer a high concentration of Vit. C into the patient’s vein.

What conditions will benefit from this treatment?

If applicable, oral Vitamin C is potentially a good supplement to support the general health of your pets. However, the bioavailability of oral Vitamin C may not be sufficient as a treatment itself. High concentration intravenous Vitamin C treatment may be a natural option for pets with cancer, history of littermates or parents with cancer, compromised immunity, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

Phovia Skin Therapy

Phovia is a new Fluorescent Light Therapy designed to support and accelerate the healing of skin lesions in dogs and cats. Phovia can help pets with skin lesions heal up to twice as fast, resulting in:

  • Fewer applications of creams and sprays
  • Reduced antibiotic use
  • Less time in the dreaded E-collar or cone

Plus, Phovia is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical path to improved skin healing. It’s as simple as shining a light on a specific area for a short period of time.

Your pet can be back to normal in up to half the time. Often, you can see visible improvement in skin health in just two to three sessions!

How does it work?

When illuminated by the lamp, the gel releases fluorescent light energy. Applied to the skin, fluorescent light energy reaches deeper skin layers to stimulate cell regeneration. Light penetration into the skin is variable. Colors of light reach varying depths and create different results.

The Phovia treatment has two components: The Phovia LED lamp and the Phovia Gel. The proprietary gel converts the lamp’s blue light into fluorescence, which skin cells use to fuel the natural healing process.

The major benefits are:

  1. Reduces inflammation
  2. Speeds up cell replacement
  3. Boosts local immunity
  4. Increases energy production
  5. Improves blood flow

(Information adapted from Phovia brochure from Vetoquinol. For more information, please visit: www.vetoquinolusa.com/phovia)

Electric Stimulation
It is a passive therapy where transcutaneous electrodes are applied with a conductive gel (it is not necessary to shave the patient’s hair).
Depending on what our patient needs we can use two different frequencies:

TENS – Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation, it’s mainly used to treat muscle, joint, or bone problems that occur with illnesses such as:
1) Osteoarthritis
2) Fibromyalgia
3) Low back pain, neck pain
4) Tendinitis,
5) Bursitis,
6) Cancer pain.

EMS- Electric Motor Stimulation,
It is another frequency that we use to strengthen the muscular system, and can also aid in pain relief, as it can stimulate nerve regeneration and repair to help with overall pet rehabilitation.
1) Rebuilding muscle tone
2) Increase muscle strength
3) Rehabilitation of injuries
4) Regain muscle mass naturally lost in geriatric animals.

Body Work & Massage
This is a perfect alternative treatment to release tension and inflammation in the body. Body work and massages are recommended for a patient who has chronic soreness or pain. As pets can be masters at hiding pain, a complete integrative or wellness evaluation is recommended to see if your pet can benefit from body work and massage from a certified technician.
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese language with “rei” meaning the universe and “ki” meaning life energy. The practice of Reiki is a type of energy healing that aims to promote the body’s natural ability to heal. The body consists of energetic connections and electromagnetic fields. The overall field is indicative of the current state of the body. When we face an issue or a disease state an energy imbalance occurs. Reiki is a conduit to help recipients restore energy flow. Reiki can be considered in all animals as animals are very receptive to energy healing and it can help to maintain health status as well as heal and recover from any sickness or emotional disturbance.
Sound Healing and Vibrational Therapy
Sound and vibrational therapy is an energy healing modality utilizing instruments playing near the recipients or placed gently on specific body locations on a recipient. Singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks are the most common instruments we use in our office to deliver this therapy. Sound is created by vibration of an instrument generating a pressure wave, and it is propagated through mediums such as air, water, muscle, tendon, or bone. Sound and vibrational instruments are tuned to very specific frequencies that can generate both auditory and non-auditory vibrations to affect living tissue. When vibration is applied directly onto the body, the pressure wave can propagate through living tissue and the signal can be dampened or amplified depending on the organ’s natural resonant frequency. Tuning forks can be placed on acupuncture points to stimulate the point and complement the healing effects. Sound and vibrational therapy can help to induce relaxation, promote healing, release myofascial tension, and decrease pain. It is also used as a holistic modality to balance the Chakras of the body.
Nutrition and Supplement Consultation

(Must be an existing client)

Custom consultation including formulation of diet options – $391.39
 30 minute Follow up and general evaluation if requested – $192.94

Dr. Chen is passionate about pet nutrition. It is one of the most important aspects of total body health. A proper diet can have positive effects on your pet’s health, just like a poor diet can have negative effects. Optimizing diet and supplementing appropriately can have a profound effect in helping your pet overcome disease states or preventing cancer and inflammatory conditions.

Animal Rehabilitation and Fitness

Rehabilitation and fitness exercises can be used both as preventive measures to help your pet avoid injuries and stay healthy, or as a therapeutic treatment as they are recovering from injuries and pain. The goals of these sessions are to:

  • Decrease pain
  • Improve mobility
  • Restore and maintain function
  • Prevent further injury
  • Visit our blog to read more
Senior Pet Wellness and Enrichment
Pets in their “golden years” need special care. There are more concerns with degenerative diseases and cancer. They are also more prone to cognitive disorders. Having a complete evaluation of their individual needs is important to prevent these issues early.
Behavioral Medicine and Training
Behavioral issues can cause emotional stress and anxiety or aggression in pets. These stresses can also have a physical impact on the body (as stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can in turn depress the immune system functions). Working hand-in-hand with our team to develop and implement solutions to these behavioral issues can promote emotional and physical health, as well as enhancing the human-animal bond.
Wellness and Preventive Exam

Wellness Exam – $102.53

Regular wellness visits are essential to maintain your pet’s overall health. Practicing with a holistic approach, adult pets are recommended to come in annually and senior pets semi-annually for wellness exams and discussions on preventive care. This may include vaccines or vaccine titers and regular blood, urine, or fecal testing to detect early problems.

Flea/tick/heartworm preventatives are assessed on individual risk factors, needs, and benefits in comparison to risks. This is fully discussed with the pet parents before deciding on the protocol for the pet. We will address specific questions and concerns you have about your pet’s health to make sure we have the best plan to keep your pet healthy!

Non-Urgent Sickness Exam


Your pet can fall ill with a variety of ailments that aren’t immediately life-threatening, including skin issues, ear infections, vomiting, or diarrhea, among others. Non-urgent sickness appointments evaluate the current problem and prompt a discussion on the best options for your pet before deciding on the final treatment plan together.

Urgent Same-Day Exam

Occasionally a problem can become an urgent issue, and our team will try our best to get you in on the same day, pending availability.


The emergency fee is added for care or consultations that are not during our regular clinic hours.

Dental Cleaning (Anesthetic and Non-anesthetic options)

Your pet’s oral health is more important than you think.

Why is this so important? Recent studies have shown that 70% of adult cats and 80% of adult dogs show symptoms of oral disease. In fact, most pet parents are not aware that their pet is dealing with dental issues. Bad breath, plaque build-up, excessive drooling, sore or bleeding gums when eating or chewing, and decreased appetite are signs that your pet’s teeth may require veterinary attention.

Dental disease can lead to major health issues with the heart, liver, and kidneys due to the bacteria in the mouth traveling in the bloodstream. Unfortunately, other than bad breath, sometimes there are few signs of the disease process evident. However, the alarming fact is that 85% of all pets have dental disease by the time they are three years of age.

The good news is that there are many different ways to improve your pet’s dental health, such as home brushing, dental chews, and, most important, regular oral exams with your veterinarian.

The most effective way to protect your pet from dental disease is through regular professional cleanings. At Integrative Pet Wellness Center, we perform thorough cleanings that include an extensive oral examination, scaling and polishing.

We’re also here to go over at-home dental care tips so that your efforts at home and annual dental care at Integrative Pet Wellness Center can lead to a long life of healthy oral care for your pet.

Telehealth & Telemedicine
A virtual consult is a convenient and perfect way to discuss the specifics of your pet’s history, conditions, and management options. Telehealth consultations are offered as general advice, while telemedicine consultations are available for existing clients for specific questions, follow-up, progress evaluations, and prescriptions. Dr. Lily Chen or a member of her team can provide a virtual consult through a phone call or video chat.
Laboratory Testing

Integrative Pet Wellness Center provides all routine western laboratory services. We are also proud to offer holistic testing for essential vitamins and minerals, early detection for inflammation, arthritis, and possible cancer, as well as microbiome testing. We can help you with your pharmacy and prescription needs on-site and online.

Essential Vitamin Testing
Testing for essential vitamins is important to make sure the body has the optimal level of nutrients for normal functions. Many pets can still develop a deficiency even when they are eating diets that are labeled to be complete and balanced. This is due to the fact that even though the diets contain the necessary nutrients, these vitamins are not necessarily bioavailable and absorbed by the body. For example, close to 90% of the pets we test at our office are deficient in Vitamin D. It is imperative that we correct any underlying deficiencies in order to prevent disease states.
Inflammation Screening
Performed as a simple blood test, your pet can be screened for inflammatory markers in the body. This helps to detect diseases early before problems occur.
Early Arthritis / Early Cancer Risk Screening
Performed as a simple blood test, your pet can be screened for early arthritis or early cancer. Although not definitive for these issues without more advanced testing, this can help to find any issues early before symptoms or progression of the disease occur.
Pharmacy Services

Integrative Pet Wellness Center provides all routine western laboratory services. We are also proud to offer holistic testing for essential vitamins and minerals, early detection for inflammation, arthritis, and possible cancer, as well as microbiome testing. We can help you with your pharmacy and prescription needs on-site and online.

Vaccine Titers / Routine Vaccinations
Standard vaccine protocols call for routine vaccinations at recommended intervals. However, many pets have protective titers that last much longer than the recommended interval. Testing for vaccine titer is a blood draw that is sent to a specialized laboratory. Pets with protective titers may not need the vaccine boosters and this can help mitigate some side effects or negative immune system responses sometimes associated with too many vaccines.
Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging is a cutting-edge technology that allows us to see the unseen with pets.

We use thermal imaging to help detect and monitor various health conditions in pets.

Thermal imaging works by detecting heat patterns in the body, which can help to identify areas of inflammation or other abnormalities that may not be visible on traditional diagnostic tests. This non-invasive and painless technology (it’s just like taking a picture) is especially useful for detecting early signs of disease and can be used as a preventive screening tool to monitor your pet’s health over time. We use the Well-vu system, which is a high quality and accurate thermal imaging system that allows us to quickly and easily detect changes in your pet’s health. By incorporating thermal imaging into our diagnostic and treatment protocols, we can provide a more comprehensive and personalized approach to pet care, helping to ensure that your furry friend stays happy and healthy for years to come.

The new patient fee is $495 for all adult pets, which includes:

  • Review of the patient application
  • The 30 minutes telehealth appointment with doctor
  • The one-hour new patient in-person exam, consultation, and treatments (the first acupuncture, laser treatments, and thermal imaging are included if appropriate for your pet)


General screening ultrasound exam and specialist ultrasound evaluations are available as a non-invasive, in-depth look into the organs inside the body to screen for any underlying diseases, masses, or emerging problems that are not readily detected on laboratory testing.

Oil Therapy
Coming soon!