You are the hero!

When your pet looks into your eyes, they see a hero. 🤩

I hope you take a moment to give yourself the much-deserved credit for caring for your pet. Because there is so much that you do! From their daily meals, walks, exercises, love, attention, treats to thinking about their medical care, wellness care, bathing / grooming, emotional wellbeing, and finding care for them when you have to be away. As well as navigating changes and challenges with all the different life stages and things that life throws at you – there is so much!

But you are there for them. ❤️

So often I hear pet parents feeling guilty about not being able to be there all the time or doing certain things for their pets all the time.  Or having improvements or certain outcomes.

I have gone down that road myself with my own pets, blaming myself when my pets come down with any sort of illness or issues. Feeling very guilty or worried about them when I do have to take time away from them. I have made certain decisions to not run a few extra tests or treatments because I didn’t want to put them through the stress of those, or that it wouldn’t change what I was already doing. And there were definitely times where they didn’t get better when I wanted them to.

And that’s okay!  At the end of day when they cuddled up with me, I still knew that I loved them so much and they loved me in return. I was doing the best I could and making the best decisions I felt was right. 🐾

It’s different for everyone. But I want to let you know that you are a hero and your pets LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING ALREADY. ❤️ I think sometimes all they really need is to just know that you are always coming home for them and they are there waiting for those pets, hugs, kisses, and cuddles. (okay, maybe the treats too 😉, food is love 😆).

You are an amazing unicorn pet parent. 🦄

Give yourself all the credit you deserve. 🌟

With love,
Dr. Lily Chen