If you’ve ever been curious about flower essences, this episode is for you! Dr Magda and I dive deep into these beautiful, gentle remedies. They were first discovered by homeopath Dr Bach, who collected the morning dew of various flowers and gave them to his patients to see what effect each flower had. Each flower works on specific emotional states, the root cause of many of the unwanted behaviors we see in our pets. Or as Madga puts it, it’s ‘psychotherapy in a bottle’. From dogs behaving in aggressive ways to cats urinating on the rug to a dog with severe PTSD…some of the results Magda has had with her pet patients are nothing short of magical. 

Follow Dr. Magda:

Website: www.drmagdavet.com
Holistika Veterinary: www.holistikavet.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/holistikavet

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