Dear Friends,

I can’t believe it’s already October, can you?

But I am ready for fall 🍁. I don’t know if you are a pumpkin fan but I’ve already had my first pumpkin spice latte for the season and that is my ritual for welcoming fall, the season for more grounding, centering, giving gratitude, and celebrating.

With the hustle and bustle of the summer behind us, we are ready to stretch a little more. At the end of September, we attended a live training with O3 vets for their Ozone Therapy course. This has been something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have seen ozone therapy done wonders (and sometimes miracles) for many patients in the past and I am excited to be able to bring this modality to our practice.

A little about Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy? In short, it is a gentle way to support the body’s immune system. Ozone therapy helps to increase the oxygen utilization in tissues and reduce inflammation. All disease states start with inflammation. If we can reduce the inflammation, the body will naturally begin to heal itself. Ozone therapy can be delivered very safely and easily as a topical application, rectal insufflation, inhalation, injections, and IV. The uses are wide and versatile.

Why did I start getting interested in this therapy? Well, it really is about giving more options and thinking of long-term wellness in my patients. In modern medicine, it is so easy to reach for medications right away – especially antibiotics. And the instances of severe and resistant infections have only evolved with this and are becoming harder and harder to treat. Many times conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the issues, but the root of the problems is left unchecked and it is only waiting to cause more issues down the road. To truly heal and have long-term health, we have to address the imbalance and primary issues. If we can strengthen the immune responses at the cellular level, and provide the body a way to reduce inflammation naturally, may disease states would simply cure themselves. I am really excited to dive a little deeper into this wellness journey with you.

Medical Massages and Rehabilitation

We are growing and stretching our rehabilitation program 💪. We often see patients with chronic pain and inflammatory issues, and while they make a recovery with acupuncture, laser therapy, and herbals/supplements/diet therapy, we are passionate about keeping them strong and pain-free long term. The best way to achieve this is through consistent therapy to reduce any tension with muscles and fascia and to build strength over time. It can take some time to get there, but the results are amazing. I often see patients who start to do the things they used to do when they were younger, they become more playful and engaging and their overall health improves!

Leptospirosis and Canine Influenza

You may have been hearing about the outbreaks of these two infectious diseases in Los Angeles – Lepto and Flu. Indeed we are seeing more cases of them in dogs – mostly associated with higher density socialization or contact with dogs. How much should you worry? I think it truly depends on your pet’s risks levels and their health status. They can be serious illnesses (Lepto can cause kidney failure and Flu can cause significant respiratory compromise) Pets are at greater risks if they are outside a lot or regularly socialize or go to places where a lot of other dogs go. Lepto can also be transmitted if there is wildlife in the area (raccoons, possums, rats, and others can all be carriers and they pass the disease in their urine). If your pets are healthy, we are recommending vaccinating them to protect them from these diseases. I know many of our patients here have other health concerns and we may have to weigh the benefits with the risks – if you are unsure, you can schedule a time to talk with us to decide if vaccination makes sense for you.

Thank you for being patient

Our office has been busy! We will always work towards answering your questions and trying to get you in as fast as we can. However, due to our recent rise in demand, sometimes there is a little bit of delay. Texting is the best way to get a hold of us (213-316-6886) – as you know, we keep our office as comfortable and calm as possible so we don’t have the phones ringing in here. But we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Any other questions or concerns? Let us know!

We hope you are all doing well. As always, if you have any questions, let us know!

With love and gratitude ❤️,

Dr. Lily with Ashley, Gabriela, and Maria 🦄