I’ve been counting down the days for this…
This weekend, Dianne and I are off to a Joe Dispenza Retreat, and I can hardly contain my excitement! 🎉
Every time I listen to Joe, I feel this electric sense of possibility—like what if I really can create anything I want to?
For those who don’t know, Dr. Joe Dispenza is a neuroscientist who merges manifestation, quantum physics, and personal transformation to help people create the lives they want.
And while that might sound super “sciency,” he makes it all so easy to understand.
So what does quantum physics have to do with giving your pet the best life? 🪐✨
A whole lot actually 💁♀️
Science has proven that in the quantum field, anything is possible. And the first step to manifesting something incredible is believing that it is possible in the first place.
This is exactly how I approach every pet who comes to see me.
No matter how many vets have told their parents the condition is “incurable” or that their pet only has a short time left, I choose to see that as one reality…
And I choose to stay wide open to the absolute best possible outcome because if anything is possible, why wouldn’t we at least try?
(Turns out it’s pretty handy to have a vet and practice manager who are completely obsessed with manifestation and quantum physics lol.)
Which brings me to Bella 🐶
That’s Bella ☝️
When Bella first came to see me, she was in trouble.
A large abdominal mass was pressing on her bladder, making her uncomfortable and constantly needing to pee.
Even more concerning? She had no appetite which was a huge red flag.
Her parents were desperate to help her.
I ran tests and found she had low vitamin D, high glyphosate levels, and her microbiome wasn’t in good shape either.
So we got to work.
The first step was switching her to a fresh food diet since dogs and cats get most of their vitamin D from food, and a proper diet helps reduce glyphosate exposure.
(A total side note–we recently had Billy from Green Juju come teach a masterclass for our Concierge Pet Parents and he was talking about how free range, organic, non-gmo egg yolks are super high in vitamin D so that’s a great tip!)
Anyway back to Bella.
We treated her for a UTI, and as soon as she was done with antibiotics, we started fecal transplants to rebuild her gut health.
We were getting Bella strong enough to have the surgery she needed to get her lump checked out, and she (and her amazing parents) did such a good job!
A month or so later she was ready for her surgery.
The moment I read the post-surgery report, my heart sank.
Hemangiosarcoma 🥺
One of the most aggressive cancers out there.
The surgeon did an amazing job but couldn’t remove all of it—the tumor was tucked into a tricky spot in her pelvis. An X-ray showed small lumps in her lungs. The surgeon gave Bella just a few short months to live.
I’ve seen this before. In conventional veterinary medicine, hemangiosarcoma comes with a grim prognosis.
But you already know what I believe.
Anything is possible ✨
So again we just got to work.
After consultation with a medical oncologist, Bella’s parents decided chemotherapy was not the right thing for Bella and chose to go the holistic route.
We started IV Vitamin C therapy, acupuncture, incorporated regular ozone therapy, and added targeted herbal support.
And Bella didn’t just survive. She thrived.
Six months later, Bella went for a follow-up X-ray.
I held my breath as I looked at the report.
The previous nodules in her lungs could not be seen anymore! We couldn’t see inside her pelvis on the X-ray, but whether the tumor there has disappeared or gone into remission it’s no longer causing symptoms.
And Bella is living her best life!
I also want to honor Bella’s parents for their faith in choosing this path 💜
While I’m not against chemo, statistics show that most dogs with hemangiosarcoma who get chemo only tend to live about 3-6 months.
But I have had hemangiosarcoma patients (even ones with metastases) live two years or more with holistic care. Whether the family chooses chemo or not, it is the one cancer that I feel passionate that an integrative approach is much needed!
I can’t promise that for every pet, but it’s been my experience.
And Bella—well, she’s writing her own story.
So let’s take a moment to celebrate Bella, her incredible parents, and all the possibilities that exist when we choose to believe in more ✨
So much Love,
Dr. Lily 💛
Starlight Stories

I love the rain. Some unicorns hide when the clouds roll in, but not me, I step right into the storm. The raindrops feel cool against my coat, the air smells fresh, and the earth hums with renewal.
It’s funny how rain can seem gloomy at first, but if you look closer, it’s actually full of magic. The trees drink deeply, flowers bloom brighter, and even the smallest puddle reflects the whole sky.
Rain reminds me that growth comes in unexpected ways. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Sometimes, storms roll in. But that’s okay. Storms pass, and when they do, the world always looks a little shinier.
So if you’re feeling weighed down this week, step outside, take a deep breath, and let the rain remind you, this moment is just part of a bigger, more beautiful journey. 💜🌈